Ethics of Social Consequences: Philosophical, Applied and Professional Challenges

Ethics of Social Consequences: Philosophical, Applied and Professional Challenges

Vasil Gluchman (editor)
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
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3.4 MiB

Product Description
This edited volume presents new and unconventional views of many traditional moral values, such as humanity, human dignity, moral right (of life), justice and responsibility. The originality of the contributions here is their analysis these values and approaches from the point of view of non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences as one of its forms. The authors present new ways of solving many contemporary ethical and moral issues, including, for example, in bioethics, medical ethics, environmental ethics, teaching ethics, and cyber ethics, based on non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences. They also confront these approaches with other ethical theories and philosophical traditions, which serve as further incentives for the development of non-utilitarian consequentialism and ethics of social consequences in philosophical, applied and professional ethics.
About the Author
Vasil Gluchman is the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics at the University of Preov, Slovakia, where he is also Professor of Philosophy and Ethics at the Institute of Ethics and Bioethics. He is the editor of Morality: Reasoning on Different Approaches (2013) and Bioethics in Central Europe (2009), and is the Editor-in-Chief of Ethics and Bioethics (in Central Europe) and a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Health Care, Medicine and Philosophy. His publications also include Profesijná etika ako etika práce a etika vzahov [Professional Ethics as Work Ethic and Ethics of Relations] (2014) and Idea humanity v dejinách etiky na Slovensku [Idea of Humanity in the History of Ethics in Slovakia] (2013), in addition to several articles on bioethics, consequentialist ethics, and applied ethics.

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