My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir is a highly fascinating book which analyses, in the perspective of history the tumultuous events of the author's two terms of governorship of the most sensitive and strategic Indian State of Jammu & Kashmir.
A sheer glance at the contents of the book reveals the range of issues covered. In regard to all these issues, no assertion has been made, which the author has not supported by concrete evidence.
With his deep insight into the fundamental issues involved, Jagmohan lays bare the roots that lies embedded in the 'soft' and 'permissive' attitude of the Indian State, in the habit of nursing illusions instead of facing stark realities, in the politics of deception and duplicity, in administrative infirmities and public corruption, in disintegrative constitutional relationship, and in the overall dynamics of negative forces. The brutal face of terrorism and pattern of subversion are sketched vividly.
The author describes the confusion and contradictions of the Indian political scene, and also subjects the webs of distortions, woven by superficial minds or vested interests, to a searching cat-scan. He forcefully argues that the critical challenge in Kashmir can be met only by a reformed and rejuvenated India, with a new vision and a practical insight into ground-level realities.
The forceful personality of Jagmohan—a man of vigorous action and profundity of thought—is deeply imprinted on every page of this unique book.
In the new chapter, added to this edition (5th reprint), the author brings out how the 'tyranny of shallowness' continues and how it is causing misery to the people of the State and bleeding the country of its resources, besides exposing it to new risks and dangers. He ends with the plea: Consider the darkness and the great cold. In this vale which resounds with misery.
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