Glossika Mass Sentences * Fluency training for serious language learners. * Recommended for Intermediate Learners (B1~B2) as Supplementary Training to your current studies; some working knowledge required; good for brushing up or breaking through a plateau. * 1000 bilingual sentences with pronunciation guide in phonetic International Phonetic Alphabet with liaisons. * Vocabulary Index included (includes varying pronunciations of each conjugation/declension with a frequency count). * Accompanies the audio sold separately at Glossika.com, which includes hands-free spaced repetition. * Authentic and informal language use by native speakers, gradually building up sentence structures. FEATURES: * Serves as reference material to the audio training. * Lots of repetition of key syntactic components and vocabulary. * Introduces how to render foreign names and placenames in natural dialogue (with appropriate declensions and conjugations). * All sentences are bilingual in format and includes International Phonetic Alphabet to help you master the correct pronunciation (in phonetic form, which means we write out all the liaisons between words). * Informal, friendly language. Formal language used where appropriate. * Covers the following syntactic structures: Verbals (Gerunds, Infinitives), Modals, Adjectives + Verbs, Prepositions + Verbs, Reflexives, Adjectives and Adverbs, Conjunctions and Prepositions, Verbs + Prepositions INCLUDES: * If you're serious about getting fluent in 3 months, follow our intensive schedule to finish Fluency 1-3 in 3 months. * Each book trains 1000 sentences with Fluency 3 surpassing more than 3000 vocabulary words used in context and collocations. SAMPLE (some letters may not display correctly on your screen, so you can get the embedded font editions from www.glossika.com directly): 2033: Please try to be quiet when you come home. Everyone will be asleep. Essaie d'être silencieux (♀silencieuse) lorsque tu rentreras à la maison s'il te plaît. Tout le monde dormira. [ɛsɛ d‿ɛtʁ silɑ̃sjø (♀silɑ̃sjøz) lɔʁskᵊ ty ʁɑ̃tʁᵊʁa a la mɛzɔ̃ s‿il tø plɛ || tu lø mɔ̃d dɔʁmiʁa ||] 2124: People often have a lot of trouble reading my handwriting. Les gens ont souvent de la difficulté à lire mon écriture. [le ʒɑ̃ ɔ̃ suvɑ̃ dø la difikylte a liʁ mɔ̃ n‿ekʁityʁ ||] 2175: Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. Fais-moi savoir si tu souhaites joindre le club. [fɛ mwa savwaʁ si ty swɛt ʒwɛ̃dʁ lø klœb ||] 2286: Do you know the people who live next door? Connais-tu les gens qui vivent à côté? [konɛ ty le ʒɑ̃ ki viv a kote ||] 2434: Deepak and I have very different ideas. I don't agree with many of his opinions. Deepak et moi avons des idées très différentes. Je ne suis pas d'accord avec plusieurs de ses opinions. [(...) e mwa avɔ̃ de z‿ide tʁɛ difeʁɑ̃t || ʒø nø sɥi pa d‿akɔʁ avɛk plyzjœʁ dø se z‿opinjɔ̃ ||] 2482: The building destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt. Le bâtiment détruit dans l'incendie a maintenant été reconstruit. [lø batimɑ̃ detʁɥi dɑ̃ l‿ɛ̃sɑ̃di a mɛ̃tᵊnɑ̃ t‿ete ʁᵊkɔ̃stʁɥi ||] 2599: You're standing too close to the camera. Can you move a little farther away? Tu es trop près de l'appareil. Peux-tu t'éloigner un peu? [ty ɛ tʁo pʁɛ dø l‿apaʁɛj || pø ty t‿elwaɲe œ̃ pø ||] 2732: My brother's in college and I'm still in high school. > He's in medical school but I want to go to law school. Mon frère est à l'université et je suis toujours au lycée. > Il fait l'école de médecine, mais je veux faire l'école de droit. [mɔ̃ fʁɛʁ e a l‿ynivɛʁsite e ʒø sɥi tuʒuʁ o lise || > il fɛ l‿ekɔl dø mɛdsin | mɛ ʒø vø fɛʁ l‿ekɔl dø dʁwa ||] NOT INTENDED AS: * a grammar reference * a travel phrasebook
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