In one of the few passages in Sein und Zeit where Heidegger mentions Kierkegaard explicitly, he suggests that one can learn more philosophically from Kierkegaard's edifying discourses than from the pseudonymous works, and then adds -not including The Concept of Anxiety (1844). It is therefore fully appropriate that the Yearbook, after dealing with the edifying discourses in the previous volume, now proceeds to deal with Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety.
Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety, while important for the reception of Kierkegaard internationally, has remained an extremely difficult text to understand on its own terms. The articles approach this text with a variety of different interests and methodologies. The Concept of Anxiety is one of the five texts that appear in volume 4 of the new scholarly edition of collected works in Danish language, Soren Kierkegaards Skriftet; which is published by Gad Publishers in Copenhagen. Accordingly, the articles try to reflect the results of the philological research and the research involved in the commentaries, which appear in Soren Kierkegaards Skrifter K 4.
The Yearbook also includes articles on the history of reception of The Concept of Anxiety in the individual countries and language groups, as well as papers on philological research connected with S,ren Kierkegaards Skrifter. Specifically these articles concern the four journals published in the recent volume Soren Kierkegaards Skrifter 17: Among other things, they examine the problems of dating the individual journals, the condition of the preserved manuscripts and the fate of those that do not survive.
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