By using body movements and postures as doorways to our own natural healing process, we can actively release tension; find balance between the mind and the body; learn to dream creatively while awake; and tap areas of the unconscious thought unaccesible.
Most physical movements and exercise are disconnected from our deepest drives, feelings and sources of healing. MIND AND MOVEMENT shows how to find a natural way healthy to healthy exercise and spiritual growth. The method of co-operating with our own internal healing and creativity has been known and used for centuries. In Japan it is called Seitai, in India Shaktipat; even the early Christian used this simple form of inner and outer hygiene.
Recent research has linked this activity with the self-regulatory and dream proces within us. But, no other book has made plain to the public how to co-operate with these internal functions for one's own benefit.
Tony Crisp has been writing about natural health and self help for thirty years. His special interest in the healing potential of the dream process led him to work as a therapist during the past fourteen years. It is out of this experience MIND AND MOVEMENT was written.
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