A timely books that details the concerted effort and integration of new technology it takes to make communities safer for everyone. It's a basic human right to feel and be safe in your community—where you live, work, and play. But, few people know or understand everything it takes to make this possible, including making high-tech solutions available to local law enforcement and first responders.From fire departments detecting fires within seconds with thermal imaging to police departments detecting gunfire immediately through gunshot detection sensors, technology continues to evolve daily. Even surveillance cameras have taken great strides from the grainy images of years past, and just one camera can make a difference (read about how police identified the Boston Marathon bombers through a department store's video camera inside!). Safe City teaches the public how to harden targets and protect their homes, businesses, communities, themselves, and their loved ones. It takes a community effort to help reduce and prevent crime, and Safe City answers the questions people have along with pointing out many more that should be asked. "As someone who is politically active, and involved with urban development, this book is like a playbook for mayors, city council, and county commissioners."—Topher Morrison, author of The Profitable CEO and managing director of Key Person of Influence "Provides a fact-filled insight into community policing... This a good read that delivers a solid understanding of the 'how and why' of the future of community policing in America." —Retired Deputy Chief Metro Detroit Police Department
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