Crack the Microprocossor and Microcontroller Interview
Key Features An ample number of diagrams are used to illustrate the subject matter for easy understanding Set of review questions with answers are added at the end for better understanding Includes basic to advanced interview questions on 8085, 8086, 89C51, PIC and AVR, interfacing of input & output devices It will help to enhance the programming skills of the reader
Book gives you a complete idea about the Microcontroller and Microprocessor. It starts from a very basic concept like a number system, then explains the digital circuit. This book is a complete set of interview questions and answers with plenty of screenshots. Book takes you on a journey to Microprocessor 8085, Peripheral Devices and Interfacing, AVR ATmega32, Interfacing of Input/Output Device.
Book also covers the descriptive questions, multiple-choice questions along with answers which are asked during an interview.
What will you learn
Basics to an advanced interview question for microprocessor 8085 & 8086 and microcontroller 89C51, PIC and AVR. Question on interfacing of input & output devices.
Who this book is for
Engineering students pursuing a course in electrical and electronics, electronics and communication, computer science and information technology who wish to learn about Microprocessor, Microcontroller and crack an interview.
Table of Contents
1. Number Systems
2. Digital Circuit
3. Microprocessor 8085
4. Peripheral Devices and Interfacing
5. AVR ATmega32
6. Interfacing of Input/Output Device
7. Excercise
8. Descriptive Type Questions
9. Multiple Choice Questions
About the Author
Dr Anita Gehlot is associated with Lovely Professional University as an Associate Professor with more than ten years of experience in academics. She has twenty-Five patents in her account. She has published more than fifty research papers in refereed journals and conference. She has been awarded “certificate of appreciation” from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies for exemplary work. She has published fifteen books in the area of Embedded Systems and Internet of Things with reputed publishers like CRC/Taylor & Francis, Narosa, GBS, IRP, NIPA, River Publishers, Bentham Science and RI publication.
Dr Rajesh Singh is currently associated with Lovely Professional University as a Professor with more than fifteen years of experience in academics. He has been awarded as a gold medalist in M. Tech and honours in his B.E. His area of expertise includes embedded systems, robotics, wireless sensor networks, and Internet of Things. He has organized and conducted several workshops, summer internships, and expert lectures for students as well as faculty.
P. Raja is currently associated with Lovely Professional University as an Assistant Professor with more than eight years of experience in academics. His area of expertise includes MP LAB IDE, IAR, KEIL, Xilinx ISE, Proteus, MODELSIM, QUARTUS, Multisim, Orcad, and CODE VISION AVR, Assembly Language.
Dushyant Kumar Singh is an Assistant Professor and Head of Embedded Systems Domain in Lovely Professional University. He has completed his master from Punjab Engineering College, University of Technology, Chandigarh. He has Industrial experience of 2 years and more than nine years of teaching experience.
Dr Praveen Kumar Malik is working as a Professor in Dept. of Electronics and Communication, Lovely Professional University, Punjab India. He has written more than 15 papers in different National and International Journals.
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