Part of the Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series
Boost K-12 student achievement and math skills by enhancing your approach to mathematics homework and grading. This user-friendly resource is divided into two parts, each covering a key team action for mathematics in a PLC at Work™. First, you'll learn how to develop common independent practice assignments or math homework for formative student learning within a professional learning community (PLC). Then, discover how to work collaboratively to create quality equitable grading practices to help you evaluate independent practice effectiveness. The book features teacher team tools and activities to inspire student achievement and enhance grading routines as part of a formative student learning process.
Learn collaborative homework and grading practices to grow your students' math skills:
Part 1: Team Action 5--Develop and Use High-Quality Common Independent Practice Assignments
for Formative Student Learning
Chapter 1: The Purpose of High-Quality Common Independent Practice Assignments
Chapter 2: Sample Independent Practice Assignments
Chapter 3: Formative Routines for Improved Student Learning
Chapter 4: Common Scoring and Grading Agreements for Homework Assignments
Part 2: Team Action 6--Develop and Use High-Quality Common Grading Components and Formative Grading Routines
Chapter 5: The Purpose and Nature of Grading in Mathematics
Chapter 6: How to Create an Evaluate Quality Grading Components
Chapter 7: Formative Grading Routines
Chapter 8: Traditional Report Card Grades and Standards-Based Scoring Routines
References and Resources
Books in the Every Student Can Learn Mathematics series:
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