Product Description
What can we know about Jesus of Nazaret? This book authored by the renowned Berlin New Testament scholar Jens Schröter searches for the earliest traces of the itinerant preacher from the Galilee who was deeply rooted in Jewish traditions of his time and became the central figure of what is today the world's largest religion. Thereby, new results from archaeological excavations of places of Jesus' activity as well as insights from current Jesus research are considered.
Schröter sketches a vivid portrait of Jesus in his time by tracing his activity in the Galilee and his passion and crucifixion in Jerusalem. The book, however, does not end with Jesus' death, but also deals with the beginnings of faith in Jesus as the Christ, the savior of the world, and early interpretations of his person in canonical and non-canonical writings.
About the Author
Jens Schroter, Dr. theol., Jahrgang 1961, ist Professor fur Exegese und Theologie des Neuen Testaments sowie die neutestamentlichen Apokryphen an der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte sind die kanonische und ausserkanonische Jesusuberlieferung, die Geschichte des fruhen Christentums und die Entstehung des Neuen Testaments.
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