Cyber Strategy: Risk-Driven Security and Resiliency provides a process and roadmap for any company to develop its unified Cybersecurity and Cyber Resiliency strategies. It demonstrates a methodology for companies to combine their disassociated efforts into one corporate plan with buy-in from senior management that will efficiently utilize resources, target high risk threats, and evaluate risk assessment methodologies and the efficacy of resultant risk mitigations. The book discusses all the steps required from conception of the plan from preplanning (mission/vision, principles, strategic objectives, new initiatives derivation), project management directives, cyber threat and vulnerability analysis, cyber risk and controls assessment to reporting and measurement techniques for plan success and overall strategic plan performance. In addition, a methodology is presented to aid in new initiative selection for the following year by identifying all relevant inputs.
Tools utilized include:
Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cyber Security Framework (CSF) Target State Maturity interval mapping per initiative
Comparisons of current and target state business goals and critical success factors
A quantitative NIST-based risk assessment of initiative technology components
Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed (RACI) diagrams for Cyber Steering Committee tasks and Governance Boards’ approval processes
Swimlanes, timelines, data flow diagrams (inputs, resources, outputs), progress report templates, and Gantt charts for project management
The last chapter provides downloadable checklists, tables, data flow diagrams, figures, and assessment tools to help develop your company’s cybersecurity and cyber resiliency strategic plan.
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