W hat would the South be without deviled eggs at the churchpotluck? Can you even begin to imagine a family reunion where nobody rememberedto make the baked beans and sweet tea? Is it possible to celebrate a majorholiday without crunchy sweet potato casserole on the buffet table? PatsyCaldwell and Amy Lyles Wilson don't think so, either. Indeed, every occasion inthe South comes with its own essential menu, and they're all here in thiscollection of time-honored favorites.
Want to show your team pride with the spread at your nexttailgating bash? Patsy and Amy have got you covered with desserts that boastevery color in the SEC. No matter the particular moment of life you encounter,this is your go-to encyclopedia of Southern cooking and traditions around thetable.
Bless Your Heart willdo just that. These recipes are proven to comfort and satisfy your family andthe people who may as well be kin. Whether the occasion is a holiday gathering,a garden party, or one of life's unexpected events, food is the commondenominator in the South. Lifelong Southerners Patsy Caldwell and Amy LylesWilson understand the craft of Southern cooking, and how few things are asnurturing as a meal lovingly prepared in the traditions of the South.
There's a recipe here for every situation in which aSoutherner may find herself. From book clubs to baby showers, Patsy and Amyknow exactly what flavors perfectly complement any of life's occasions. You'llenjoy the familiar stories of traditions in Dixie along the way, and no doubtpick up a new idea or two of ways to celebrate Southern culture, nourish your lovedones, and make new memories.
"Bless your hearts, Patsy Caldwell and Amy Lyles Wilson, fortrying to save the world one covered dish at a time. If we truly could eat ourway to paradise, this collection of heavenly recipes would be just the ticketto get us there-and what a way to go!" -JOHN EGERTON, author of Southern Food: At Home, On the Road, InHistory
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