Product description In this comprehensive reference and background book, Dr. Roland Holou highlights the lives, visions, achievements, policies, and strategies of exceptional contemporary African Diaspora leaders across the globe. This inspirational collection of biographies motivates, challenges, and encourages current and future generations of people of African descent to take initiative and offers guidance to those interested in Africa's development. It enlightens and empowers readers with stories that showcase the diversity, complexity, and richness of the ongoing global African Diaspora engagement efforts. It also presents powerful accounts of experiences, growth, struggle, failure, and success that will provoke interest in the field of Diaspora engagement and inspire readers to stand up and face life's many challenges. The featured leaders are known for their long-lasting achievements. Their impressive actions both contributed to important historical movements that significantly shaped and transformed the lives and history of people of African descent and removed major roadblocks preventing the prosperity of Africa and its Diaspora. They have brought about enormous and rare progress that would have been impossible without their leadership; their contributions have greatly improved the freedom and economic and political development of Africa and its Diaspora. If you are interested in learning the secrets of these modern leaders who have accomplished outstanding tasks and demonstrated professional excellence and character while performing duties related to Africa and its Diaspora, then this is the book for you. Since influence can have negative effects as well, this book also addresses destructive actions of certain leaders that are pulling down both Africa and its people. To learn more about this book, please visit www.AfricanDiasporaLeaders.com. About the Author Dr Roland Holou (ROlandHolou.com) is a scientist, a businessman, apublished author, and an international consultant. His areas of expertise are agribusiness,biotechnology, diaspora engagement, Africa development, plant biology, genetics,physiology, rangeland management, soil science, microbiology, entomology, biochemistry,ecology, and statistics. Dr. Roland Holou is a dual citizen of Benin Republic(West Africa) and the USA. He obtained his Bachelor Degree in Agronomy and hisMaster of Science Degree in Agricultural Engineering at the University ofAbomey Calavi in Benin. He has a Ph.D. in Plant, Insect and Microbial Sciencesat the University of Missouri (USA) where he graduated as the Doctoral Marshal(first of his class). Roland Holou is the Founder and CEO of DiasporaEngager ( DiasporaEngager.com ), the premier global diaspora engagement network platformthat connects the international diasporas to each other and to opportunitieswith governments, nonprofits, businesses, laboratories, internationalinstitutions, schools, and research institutions. Dr Roland Holou is thearchitect of the world's largest map of the diaspora and their stakeholders ( diasporaengager.com/map/ ). To learn more about Roland Holou's work concerningthe international diaspora engagement, please visit his blog at DiasporasNews.com . Before founding DiasporaEngager, Roland worked as a plantbiotechnology research scientist in the USA. He also has held internationalpositions including the International Chair of the "Sweet Sorghum EthanolAssociation", and the "International Service in Agronomy Award Committee" atthe American Society of Agronomy.
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