This is the seventh edition of a highly regarded, major textbook of paediatrics. Empahasis on differential diagnosis from a presenting-problem point of view.. Covers the social and preventative aspects of child health Covers the common diseases of childhood and their treatment with a presenting-problem approach Contextualises the disease in description of social, genetic and epidemiological factors. Clinical example boxes throughout Key learning points in Practical Points boxes throughout Clearly sign-posted text
Free online access to the whole book through www.studentconsult.com, where you will also find:
Nearly 400 interactive self-assessment questions
Further reading suggetions
Links to other helpful online resources
Additional illustrations
51 new chapter authors
All chapters brought up to date with major re-writes of several chapters
New chapter on Sleep Problems
New chapter on Refugee Health
Free online access to the whole book through www.studentconsult.com, where you will also find:
Over 500 interactive self-assessment questions
Further reading
Links to other helpful online resources
Additional illustrations
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