THE BEST OF THE JOURNALS IN RHETORIC AND COMPOSITION 2015-2016 represents the result of a nationwide conversation--beginning with journal editors, but expanding to teachers, scholars and workers across the discipline of Rhetoric and Composition--to select essays that showcase the innovative and transformative work now being published in the field's independent journals. Representing both print and digital journals in the field, the essays featured here explore issues ranging from classroom practice to writing in global and digital contexts, from writing workshops to community activism. Together, the essays provide readers with a rich understanding of the present and future direction of the field. CONTENTS: Introduction, Romeo Garcia, Adela Licona, and Kate Navickas BASIC WRITING EJOURNAL, 1 Basic Writing Through the Back Door: Community-Engaged Courses in the Rush-to-Credit Age, Cori Brewster JOURNAL OF TEACHING WRITING, 2 Mapping Students' Funds of Knowledge in the First-Year Writing Classroom. Genesea M. Carter REFLECTIONS, 3 Why Study Disability? Lessons Learned from a Community Writing Project, Annika Konrad COMMUNITY LITERACY JOURNAL, 4 Poetic Signs of Third Place: A Case Study of Student-Driven Imitation in a Shelter for Young, Homeless People in Copenhagen, Christina Matthiesen COMPOSITION FORUM, 5 Multimodality, Translingualism, and Rhetorical Genre Studies, Laura Gonzales JOURNAL OF SECOND LANGUAGE WRITING, 6 L2 Student-U.S. Professor Interactions Through Disciplinary Writing Assignments: An Activity Theory Perspective, Mayumi Fujioka WLN: A JOURNAL OF WRITING CENTER SCHOLARSHIP, 7 Student Perceptions of Intellectual Engagement in the Writing Center: Cognitive Challenge, Tutor Involvement, and Productive Sessions, Pamela Bromley, Eliana Schonberg, and Kara Northway ACROSS THE DISCIPLINES, 8 Instructor Feedback in Upper-Division Biology Courses: Moving from Spelling and Syntax to Scientific Discourse, Erika Amethyst Szymansk HARLOT, 9 Emoji, Emoji, What for Art Thou? Lisa Lebduska ENCULTURATION, 10 Listening to the Sonic Archive: Rhetoric, Representation, and Race in the Lomax Prison Recordings, Jonathan W. Stone PRESENT TENSE, 11 An Annotated Bibliography of LGBTQ Rhetorics, Matthew B. Cox and Michael J. Faris COMPOSITION STUDIES, 12 A Plea for Critical Race Theory Counterstory: Stock Story versus Counterstory Dialogues Concerning Alejandra's "Fit" in the Academy, Aja Y. Martinez LITERACY IN COMPOSITION STUDIES, 13 Teaching While Black: Witnessing and Countering Disciplinary Whiteness, Racial Violence, and University Race-Management, Carmen Kynard About the Editors
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