What if you could learnfinancialliteracy from Warren Buffett himself?
Finance is a language like any other: themore fluentlyyou speak it, thefurther—and more comfortably—you travel.And if you want to improve your financial literacy, what better teacher could you have than Warren Buffett? Often described as the greatest investor of all time, Warren Buffett startedhis investment firmwith$100 in the late 1950s andwenton to become the billionaire and sage we know today. Along the way he's reaped huge profits for fellow investors in Berkshire Hathaway and remains one of the most sought-after and closely watched figures in the business world.
So how did he do it? In Buffett's Tips, award-winning professor and professional investor John M. Longodemonstrates just how by translatingdecades of Buffett's writings and media appearances into a 100 straightforward tips and strategiesanyone can followfor enhancedfinancial literacy and independence, including:
Whether you want togrowyourpersonal finances, develop yourbusinessacumen, or improve softer career skills such as emotional intelligence, there'sno one betterto learn from than the most famous investor in the world—and no better way to do that than having a copy of Buffett's Tips close at hand.
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